Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Jessica Biel, Justin Timberlake Dressed as Pigs for Their Halloween Party Amid Pregnancy Talk

It was an even-toed Halloween for these stars!jessica Bieland her husbandjustin Timberlake facilitated their Halloween gathering on Friday, Oct. 31, staying valid to theirjohn Hughes-themed bash by dressing in pig outfits, sources let us know Weekly. The couple conveyed welcomes for their gathering with a picture ofmatthew Broderickas Ferris Bueller in advance. Inside, the welcome incorporated a John Hughes cite, which read: "A nerd is a gentleman who has everything striving for him yet he's simply excessively adolescent. He's got the product yet he doesn't have the fittings yet." Guests were asked to "Go Geek" for the festival held at "The Bueller Residence" in L.a.


Unknown said...

Funny talk

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